Follow-up (random subsample)
online only
Demographics: Mean Std. err. Mean Std. err. Mean Std. err.

Age 48.39 1.569 52.01 0.841 51.65 0.781

% std. err. % std. err. % std. err.

Higher qualification, entitling holders to study at a university 43.35 0.047 27.23 0.024 24.18 0.007
Is male 62.56 0.045 48.72 0.026 49.57 0.008

Other variables:
Please tell me after each one whether you have the same or a different opinion (percentage of same opinion):

% Std. err. % Std. err. % Std. err.

No matter what some people say, life for ordinary people is getting worse rather than better. 77.11 0.039 75.55 0.022 78.34 0.007
With the future looking as it does, its almost irresponsible to bring children into the world. 22.90 0.042 30.68 0.024 37.45 0.008
Most politicians are not really interested at all in the problems of ordinary people. 73.67 0.043 77.57 0.022 77.58 0.007
Most people dont really care in the slightest what happens to others. 52.99 0.048 58.49 0.026 71.76 0.008

Please tell me whether in your opinion a woman should be legally permitted to have an abortion or not(percentage of yes, should be permitted):
% Std. err. % Std. err. % Std. err.

if there is a strong chance of the baby being born with a severe defect? 95.15 0.020 94.31 0.011 88.87 0.007
if the woman is married and doesnt want any more children? 61.64 0.046 59.22 0.026 52.25 0.012
if the pregnancy would seriously endanger the womans health? 99.42 0.004 97.73 0.007 95.20 0.005
if the family has a very low income and cant afford more children? 55.95 0.048 55.62 0.026 44.52 0.012

% Std. err. % Std. err. % Std. err.

if the pregnancy is the result of rape? 99.51 0.003 97.24 0.007 90.82 0.007
if the woman is unmarried and doesnt want to marry the childs father? 55.82 0.047 44.85 0.026 31.95 0.011
if that is what the woman wants, regardless of her reasons? 60.53 0.045 56.06 0.026 44.19 0.012

Some people think that most people can be trusted. Others think that one cant be careful enough when dealing with other people. What do you think?
One cant be careful enough 22.98 0.044 31.96 0.024 42.00 0.008

How interested in politics are you?
Very strongly/strongly 42.59 0.048 33.21 0.024 28.28 0.007

Should there be Islamic religious instruction in state schools, should there only be Christian religious instruction or should there be no religious instruction at all in state schools? In state schools in Germany, there should be
Islamic religious instruction too 19.79 0.034 33.63 0.024 36.22 0.008

Many people use the terms left and right when they want to describe different political views. Here we have a scale which runs from left to right. Thinking of your own political views, where would you place these on this scale?
Mean Std. err. Mean Std. err. Mean Std. err.

10 point scale (1=left, 10=right) 4.97 0.194 4.84 0.096 4.99 0.029

Would you describe yourself as more religious or less religious? Here we have a scale which runs from not religious to religious. Where would you place yourself on this scale?
Mean Std. err. Mean Std. err. Mean Std. err.

10 point scale (1=not religious, 10=religious) 4.12 0.314 4.61 0.162 4.98 0.029