Now that Survey Practice has been published for four months, we hope that you can see the types of articles we will continue to publish. However, we can always use more articles and welcome new submissions. You can submit research articles and other types of articles, such as reviews, that Survey Practice publishes.
In particular, we would like to increase the number of “how to” articles we publish. These articles could include research done by organizations to improve their procedures, processes, and outcomes. The research might be to increase response, save money, improve data quality, and other similar types of small research projects organizations regularly conduct. Based on the successes (and failures), we can all learn more and they will collectively improve our profession.
Please consider submitting an article of any length. The editors are very author-friendly and work with authors to make the articles appropriate for Survey Practice. Ideally, articles are 1,500 words or less.
If you have questions or want to submit an article, please send them to
The Editors
John Kennedy Diane O’Rourke
David Moore Andy Peytchev