1+RDD OPOTS Zero RDD Non-Telcordia Total
Total numbers dialed 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,175 37,175
Bad numbers (out of frame) 5786 8706 8707 7108 30,307
Presumed Good Numbers 3929 1186 1165 66 6346
Permanent no answers 285 108 128 1 522
Ratio of Presumed Good Numbers/(Bad Numbers + Presumed Good Numbers) .404 .120 .118 .009 .173
Estimated good numbers out of permanent no answers 115 13 15 0 143
Total potential HH numbers (Presumed Good #s + Estimated Good #s) 4044 1199 1180 66 6489
Interviewer Resolved numbers 1700 433 508 20 2661
 Number of households 1236 32 27 10 1305
 Percent households 72.7% 7.4% 5.3% 50.0% 49.0%
Unresolved numbers 2344 766 672 46 3828
 Estimated hh in unresolved numbers 1704 57 36 23 1820
Actual + estimated households 2940 89 63 33 3125
Estimated Household Rate 29.4% 0.89% 0.63% 0.46% 8.4%