Independent Variable IDVS variable N* R
Gender Empowerment Measure (UnitedNations Development Programme 2005) Male dominance in dating relationship 29 –0.69
Violence against women (WHO) Physical assault by male partner 3  0.99
Violent crime – Europe (Eisner 2002) Antisocial traits and behavior 12 0.63
Alcohol problem usage – Europe (Eisner 2002) Binge drinking 12 0.56
Alcohol consumption 37 Nations (WHO) Binge drinking 19 0.50
Binge drinking – US regions (Dept. of HEW) Binge drinking 13* 0.81
World Corporal Punishment Index (Legality
of corporal punishment for criminals, to
control prisoners, by teachers, by child care
workers, & by parents. Straus unpublished
Percent of students who agreed:
It is sometimes necessary to spank
Was spanked or hit a lot before
age 12
Was hit a lot as a teenager


Depression (Van Hemert et al. 2002) Depressive symptoms 12 0.43
Divorce rate (Douglas and Medeiros 2007) % of parents of students divorced 29 0.67
Agree that divorce is sometimes justified 29 0.59
(Inglehart et al. 1998)
Correlation of World Values Study Variables (Inglehart et al. 1998) with IDVS Variables
 Feel aggressive at home Assault by respondent severity level 8  0.23
 Feel aggressive at home Assault, total by self 8  0.09
 Feel aggressive at home Assault, severe by self 8  0.43
 Felt depressed in past few weeks Depressive Symptoms 20 0.18
 Satisfaction with life Relationship Distress scale 30 –0.58
 Satisfaction with home life Relationship Distress scale 21 –0.66