Survey Practice April 2011
For those who are presenting papers and posters at the upcoming AAPOR annual meeting, please consider also sending the presentation to Survey Practice. Many articles in SP started as AAPOR papers.
This issue has three research articles. Tom Guterbock and his colleagues revised a part of the AAPOR Cell Phone Task Force Report to demonstrate the cost and time differences between wireless and landline telephone interviewing. Martin Cerda and Ilgin Basar’s article demonstrates the importance of cell phone samples for surveying the Hispanic population in the US. David Peng and Karl Feld’s article contains a method to measure interviewer quality that differs from the typical interviewer monitoring methods.
The article by David Grant and his colleagues is not typical of the articles we publish in SP, but we would like to publish similar articles. The article summarizes a workshop that examined the response rates and representativeness of a large statewide survey. The longer report linked at the end of the article covers many issues that are currently challenging telephone survey researchers.
For the third year, Mario Callegaro prepared a list of books in survey research and public opinion that were published in the past year. We appreciate Mario’s willingness to prepare the list. The list is generally one of the most viewed documents in SP each year.
As always, we welcome your comments on Survey Practice.
- John Kennedy
- Andy Peytchev
- David Moore
- Diane O’Rourke