Behavioral responses collapsed into yes/no responses. Higher rate shaded.
ABS Cell
Phone 2011
RDD Cell
Phone 2010
Driven in the past 30 days* 90%  (N=101) 82%  (N=419)
Talked on cell phone while driving 87%  (N=92) 81%  (N=344)
Texted or e-mailed while driving 48%  (N=92) 40%  (N=344)
Driven without seatbelt 23%  (N=92) 28%  (N=344)
Driven 15 miles over speed limit on residential streets* 14%  (N=92) 28%  (N=344)
Driven 15 miles over speed limit on freeway 46%  (N=92) 48%  (N=344)
Driven through a red light 35%  (N=92) 37%  (N=344)
Driven when very tired 30%  (N=92) 30%  (N=344)
Drinks alcohol 65%  (N=92) 63%  (N=344)
Drinks and drives 32%  (N=58) 26%  (N=218)
Stopped for moving violation 22%  (N=92) 31%  (N=344)
Accident while driving* 22%  (N=92) 13%  (N=344)