This article is an update of the April 2011 article. As in the previous year, we organized the books by topics; this should help the readers to focus on their interests. This time we also added few books from research methods in psychology. We list currently available new books and new editions of books already being published.
It is unlikely to list all new books (or new editions) in the field; we did our best scouting different resources and websites. The list is also focusing only on books published in the English language. Books are listed based on the relevance to the topic and no judgment is made in terms of quality of the content. We let the reader do so.
The journal section signals special issues and journal news in the area of public opinion, survey research and survey statistics.
Journal News
The Annual Reviews journals are now accessible via the Annual Reviews mobile website. It is possible to browse, search, and read full-text content anytime, anywhere on the mobile site.
The International Journal of Social Research Methodology published a special issue on “Video based social research”. Volume 14, Issue 3, 2011.
The Journal of Election, Public Opinion and Parties published a special issues on the “UK general election of 2010: Explaining the outcome.” Volume 21, Issue 2, 2011.
The Journal of Official Statistics now handles manuscript submissions via the ScholarOne Manuscript Management Portal.
The Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality is centered around a discussion of the paper by Gerald W. Gates on “How uncertainty about privacy and confidentiality is hampering efforts to more effectively use administrative records in producing U.S. national statistics”. Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012.
The Journal of The Royal Statistical Society, Series A, published a collection of papers on Anchoring Vignettes. Volume 174, Issue 3, 2011.
Public Opinion Quarterly’s (POQ) latest special issue celebrates 75 years of publication with reflections and speculations from past POQ editors, a review of the current state of survey research, and discussions of the future of survey methodology and public opinion research from prominent authors. This special issue is freely available to all readers at this link.
Since January 1, 2012 Sociological Methodology is being published by SAGE.
Sociological Methods and Research published the special issue: “Social science methods in class actions: the Walmart v. Dukes case”. Volume 40, Issue 4, 2011.
Social Science Research, Volume 40, Issue 4, 2011, features three papers on surveys and survey methods.
Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics, published a special issue on Official Statistics and Ethics. Volume 27, Issue 1-2, 2011.
Public Opinion Books
Aldrich, J.H. and K.M. McGraw. (Eds.). 2011. Improving public opinion surveys: Interdisciplinary innovation and the American national election studies. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Bardes, B.A. and R.W. Oldendick. 2012. Public opinion: measuring the American mind (4th ed.). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, MD.
Berinsky, A.J. (Ed.). 2012. New directions in public opinion. Routledge, New York.
Cook, C. and K. Goidel. (Eds.). 2011. Political polling in the digital age: the challenge of measuring and understanding public opinion. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, LA.
Shapiro, R.Y., L.R. Jacobs and G.C.E. III. (Eds.). 2011. The Oxford Handbook of American public opinion and the media. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Sniderman, P.M. and B. Highton. (Eds.). 2011. Facing the challenge of democracy: Explorations in the analysis of public opinion and political participation. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Survey Methods Books
Bernard, H.R. 2012. Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches (2nd ed.). Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Bethlehem, J. and S. Biffignandi. 2012. Handbook of web surveys. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
Blasius, J. and V. Thiessen. 2012. Assessing the quality of survey data. Sage, London.
Cook, T.M., J.L. Norwood and D.L. Cork. 2011. Change and the 2020 Census: not whether but how. National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
DeVellis, R.F. 2011. Scale development: Theory and applications (3rd ed.). Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Edmonds, W.(William)A. and T.D. Kennedy. 2012. An applied reference guide to research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Frey, W.H. 2012. Investigating change: Web-based analyses of US Census and American Community Survey data (3rd ed.). Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, CA.
Gubrium, J.F., J.A. Holstein, A.B. Marvasti and K.D. McKinney. (Eds.). 2012. The SAGE Handbook of interview research: The complexity of the craft (2nd ed.). Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Häder, S., M. Häder and M. Kühne. (Eds.). 2012. Telephone surveys in Europe: Research and practice. Springer, Berlin.
Loseke, D.R. 2012. Methodological thinking: basic principles of social research design. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Madans, J., K. Miller, A. Maitland and G. Willis. (Eds.). 2011. Question evaluation methods: contributing to the science of data quality. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
Marton, K. and J.C. Karberg. 2011. The future of federal household surveys: a workshop summary. National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Mehl, M.R. and T.S. Conner. (Eds.). 2011. Handbook of research methods for studying daily life. The Guilford Press, New York.
Olsen, W. 2011. Data collection: Key debates and methods in social research. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Salkind, N.J. 2012. 100 Questions (and answers) about research methods. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Sue, V.M. and L.A. Ritter. 2011. Conducting online surveys (2nd ed.). Sage, Newbury Park, CA.
Vogt, W.P., D.C. Gardner and L.M. Haeffele. 2012. When to use what research design. The Guilford Press, New York.
Weinstein, Y. 2012. Flash programming for the social & behavioral sciences: a simple guide to sophisticated online surveys and experiments. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Survey Statistics Books
Buuren, S.V. 2012. Flexible imputation of missing data. Chapman and Hall, Boca Raton, FL.
Card, N.A. 2011. Applied meta-analysis for social science research. The Guilford Press, New York.
Chambers, R. and R. Clark. 2012. An introduction to model-based survey sampling with applications. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Cumming, G. 2011. Understanding the new statistics: Effect sizes, confidence intervals, and meta-analysis. Routledge Academic, New York.
Daniel, J. 2012. Sampling essentials: practical guidelines for making sampling choices. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Dugard, P., P. File and J. Todman. 2011. Single-case and small-n experimental designs: a practical guide To randomization tests (2nd ed.). Routledge, New York.
Falissard, B. 2011. Analysis of questionnaire data with R. Chapman and Hall, Boca Raton, FL.
Grissom, R.J. and J.J. Kim. 2011. Effect Sizes for research: univariate and multivariate applications (2nd ed.). Routledge, New York.
Kenett, R. and S. Salini. 2012. Modern analysis of customer surveys: with applications using R. Wiley, Chicester.
Mutz, D.C. 2011. Population-Based survey experiments. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Osborne, J.W. 2012. Best practices in data cleaning: a complete guide to everything you need to do before and after collecting your data. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Stopher, P. 2012. Collecting, managing, and assessing data using sample surveys. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Wheeldon, J.P. and M.K. (Kalervo). Ahlberg. 2012. Visualizing social science research: maps, methods, & meaning. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Yau, N. 2011. Visualize this: The flowing data guide to design, visualization, and statistics. Wiley, Indianapolis, IN.
Research Methods in Psychology
Cooper, H. (Ed.). 2012. APA Handbook of research methods in psychology. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Knapp, S.J. (Ed.). 2011a. APA Handbook of ethics in psychology (Vols. 1–2). American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.