PRD Characteristics (Amount & Recency) Agreement Statement 2. – I recall providing the pre-filled information used in the answer cells on a previous NASS survey.
Row Percentages (Linearized SE)
Strongly Disagree, 2, 3, DK 4, Strongly Agree Total
More & Recent 29.71 (6.44) 70.29 (6.44) 100.00
More & Older 38.21 (2.58) 61.79 (2.58) 100.00
Less & Older 47.02 (2.39) 52.98 (2.39) 100.00
Less & Recent 25.74 (4.79) 74.26 (4.79) 100.00
Tests of Independence
Rao-Scott Chi-Square \(P\) value
43.00 0.0002
Parameters of the Rao-Scott Design-Adjusted Test
\(n_{AS2}\) = 2,535 Design df = 15 Design Correction = 1.67