Predictor Full model Reduced model
Military conflict, war? -10.12 (4.19)** -6.16 (3.00) *
Retirement, social security? -8.80 (3.81) * -9.65 (3.59) **
Federal budget, spending? 1.13 (4.92) n.s.
World affairs? 1.69 (4.96) n.s.
Initial position
Liberal ideology on prior question? 2.41 (2.08) n.s.
Initially favored the prior? 5.67 (2.19) ** 4.89 (1.99) *
% “most important problem”? -.17 (.15) n.s.
Counterargument format and content
Political party or partisan figure mentioned? 2.14 (5.74) n.s.
Health, death, illness, disease mentioned? -1.71 (2.45) n.s.
Financial costs mentioned? -3.54 (2.55) n.s.
Explicit reminder of prior answer? 2.79 (3.97) n.s.
Number of previous counterarguments asked? 4.17 (.88) *** 3.94 (.69) ***
Survey artifacts
Original “don’t know” offered? -1.55 (6.98) n.s.
Skip between prior question and counterargument? -2.79 (2.21) n.s.
Prior question within the first five on the survey? -6.95 (3.10) * -6.64 (2.55) **
House effects
CBS/New York Times 10.08 (4.31) * 8.37 (3.65) *
Gallup 1.81 (3.83) n.s
Harris 5.22 (5.99) n.s.
Mode effects
In-person? -10.12 (6.40) n.s.
On-line? 10.50 (4.21) ** 9.43 (3.92) *
Constant 35.1 (4.70) *** 33.52 (1.69) ***
R-2 .26 .21
Adjusted R-2 .20 .19
Standard error of estimate 14.61 14.89