I prefer to stay out of sight and not be counted in government surveys.
Spearman rho
Government surveys are an invasion of privacy. 0.48
It is important for everyone’s opinion to be counted in government surveys. -0.22
Taking part in government surveys shows I am proud of who I am. -0.21
Participating in government surveys will let the government know what my community needs. -0.24
I just don’t see that it matters much if I answer government surveys or not. 0.48
It is my civic responsibility to fill out government surveys. -0.20
Government agencies promise of confidentiality can be trusted. -0.11
I am concerned that the information I provide will be misused. 0.37
The government already has my personal information, like my tax returns, so I don’t need to fill out government surveys. 0.52
I will never see the results of government surveys in my neighborhood. 0.22
It takes too long to fill out government surveys. I don’t have the time. 0.46
Computer “hackers” could obtain government survey information about you if they really tried. 0.18
Refusing to fill out government surveys is a way for people to show that they don’t like what the government is doing. 0.29