(1) (2) (3) (4)
Cooperate w/Police Treatment 0.0464 0.0372 0.0461 -0.814
[0.73] [0.61] [0.77] [-1.57]
Inclusivity Treatment -0.0226 -0.0224 -0.00907 -0.798
[-0.34] [-0.35] [-0.15] [-1.54]
Eth/Race: Black 0.0745 0.00230 -0.210
[1.05] [0.03] [-1.63]
Eth/Race: Latine 0.320*** 0.190* 0.164
[4.11] [2.35] [1.09]
Eth/Race: Other/Multiple 0.0347 0.0178 -0.187
[0.41] [0.22] [-1.31]
Born in US? -0.103 -0.118 -0.274
[-1.09] [-1.32] [-1.70]
Educational attainment (1-6) 0.0883*** 0.0736*** 0.0506
[4.52] [3.91] [1.44]
Family Income (1-16; prefer not to say = mean) -0.0301*** -0.0340*** -0.0311*
[-3.48] [-4.06] [-2.05]
Income refusal -0.280* -0.197 -0.380
[-2.20] [-1.72] [-1.83]
Man (1=yes) -0.208*** -0.135** -0.0830
[-3.87] [-2.62] [-0.91]
Other Gender (1=yes) 0.722*** 0.815*** 0.770*
[6.17] [7.17] [2.46]
Age in Years -0.00645*** -0.00630*** -0.00741*
[-3.86] [-3.93] [-2.51]
Party Identification (1=Strong D; 7 = Strong R) -0.137*** -0.126***
[-10.56] [-5.22]
Feel Safe in Neighborhood? (1-4) 0.0313 -0.0229
[0.93] [-0.38]
Crime a Problem in Neighborhood? (1-4) -0.0487 -0.0943
[-1.57] [-1.67]
Police x Eth/Race: Black 0.346*
Police x Eth/Race: Latine -0.0114
Police x Eth/Race: Other/Multiple 0.205
Police x Born in US? 0.0937
Police x Educational attainment (1-6) 0.00443
Police x Family Income (1-16; prefer not to say = mean) 0.00501
Police x Income refusal 0.205
Police x Man (1=yes) -0.167
Police x Other Gender (1=yes) 0.0887
Police x Age in Years 0.00286
Police x Party Identification (1=Strong D; 7 = Strong R) 0.00214
Police x Feel Safe in Neighborhood? (1-4) 0.0985
Police x Crime a Problem in Neighborhood? (1-4) 0.0901
Inclusivity x Eth/Race: Black 0.274
Inclusivity x Eth/Race: Latine 0.108
Inclusivity x Eth/Race: Other/Multiple 0.368
Inclusivity x Born in US? 0.290
Inclusivity x Educational attainment (1-6) 0.0643
Inclusivity x Family Income (1-16; prefer not to say = mean) -0.0129
Inclusivity x Income refusal 0.325
Inclusivity x Man (1=yes) 0.0326
Inclusivity x Other Gender (1=yes) 0.111
Inclusivity x Age in Years -0.000101
Inclusivity x Party Identification (1=Strong D; 7 = Strong R) -0.0325
Inclusivity x Feel Safe in Neighborhood? (1-4) 0.0644
Inclusivity x Crime a Problem in Neighborhood? (1-4) 0.0393
Constant -0.00801 0.274 0.769*** 1.353***
[-0.17] [1.68] [3.70] [3.52]
Observations 1444 1444 1444 1444