Characteristic Sampled Web Mail Phone Chi-squared
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
18-24 4114 (15.4%) 98 (6.6%) 81 (4.4%) 169 (12.1%) <0.001
25-34 6175 (23.1%) 171 (12.1%) 139 (6.6%) 264 (18.7%)
35-44 4517 (17.6%) 243 (17.6%) 160 (7.7%) 204 (14.3%)
45-54 3865 (14.3%) 227 (16.5%) 226 (11.0%) 216 (15.4%)
55-64 3332 (13.2%) 260 (18.7%) 415 (19.8%) 231 (16.5%)
65-74 2162 (7.7%) 237 (16.5%) 476 (23.1%) 167 (12.1%)
75-84 1416 (5.5%) 127 (8.8%) 388 (18.7%) 96 (6.6%)
85 + 706 (2.2%) 41 (3.3%) 218 (9.9%) 39 (3.3%)
Female 16013 (60.5%) 932 (66.0%) 1315 (62.7%) 837 (60.5%) 0.004
Male 10274 (39.6%) 472 (34.1%) 788 (37.4%) 549 (39.6%)
Emergency Severity Index
Unknown 3327 (13.2%) 246 (17.6%) 320 (15.4%) 135 (9.9%) 0.002
High urgency 2956 (11.0%) 164 (12.1%) 323 (15.4%) 205 (14.3%)
Medium urgency 12209 (46.2%) 682 (48.4%) 978 (46.2%) 654 (47.3%)
Low urgency 7795 (29.7%) 312 (22.0%) 482 (23.1%) 392 (28.6%)
Primary diagnosis
Unknown 3970 (15.4%) 241 (17.6%) 348 (16.5%) 221 (15.4%) <0.001
Infectious and parasitic diseases 410 (1.1%) 12 (1.1%) 18 (1.1%) 15 (1.1%)
Neoplasms 51 (<0.1%) 3 (<0.1%) 4 (<0.1%) 0 (0.0%)
Endocrine; nutritional and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders 414 (1.1%) 21 (1.1%) 42 (2.2%) 31 (2.2%)
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 73 (<0.1%) 5 (<0.1%) 12 (1.1%) 4 (<0.1%)
Mental Illness 127 (<0.1%) 6 (<0.1%) 1 (<0.1%) 2 (<0.1%)
Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs 1928 (7.7%) 109 (7.7%) 153 (7.7%) 103 (7.7%)
Diseases of the circulatory system 2052 (7.7%) 176 (12.1%) 228 (11.0%) 128 (8.8%)
Diseases of the respiratory system 3060 (12.1%) 123 (8.8%) 261 (12.1%) 152 (11.0%)
Diseases of the digestive system 1575 (5.5%) 88 (6.6%) 107 (5.5%) 83 (5.5%)
Diseases of the genitourinary system 1618 (6.6%) 101 (7.7%) 122 (5.5%) 86 (6.6%)
Complications of pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium 1307 (5.5%) 46 (3.3%) 35 (2.2%) 59 (4.4%)
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 701 (2.2%) 24 (2.2%) 50 (2.2%) 36 (2.2%)
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 1996 (7.7%) 91 (6.6%) 155 (7.7%) 117 (8.8%)
Congenital anomalies 5 (<0.1%) 1 (<0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Injury and poisoning 4061 (15.4%) 224 (16.5%) 345 (16.5%) 208 (15.4%)
Symptoms signs and ill-defined conditions and factors influencing health 2608 (9.9%) 120 (8.8%) 205 (9.9%) 128 (8.8%)
Residual codes; unclassified 331 (1.1%) 13 (1.1%) 17 (1.1%) 13 (1.1%)
Self-reported general health
Unknown -- 35 (2.2%) 33 (1.1%) 39 (3.3%) <0.001
Poor -- 68 (4.4%) 116 (5.5%) 110 (7.7%)
Fair -- 235 (16.5%) 478 (23.1%) 350 (25.3%)
Good -- 447 (31.9%) 693 (33.0%) 394 (28.6%)
Very Good -- 448 (31.9%) 541 (25.3%) 315 (23.1%)
Excellent -- 171 (12.1%) 242 (11.0%) 178 (13.2%)
Self-reported mental health
Unknown -- 38 (2.2%) 33 (1.1%) 42 (3.3%) <0.001
Poor -- 43 (3.3%) 64 (3.3%) 62 (4.4%)
Fair -- 125 (8.8%) 236 (11.0%) 210 (15.4%)
Good -- 322 (23.1%) 492 (23.1%) 348 (25.3%)
Very Good -- 441 (31.9%) 704 (33.0%) 352 (25.3%)
Excellent -- 435 (30.8%) 574 (27.5%) 372 (26.4%)
Self-reported education
Unknown -- 46 (3.3%) 41 (2.2%) 45 (3.3%) <0.001
8th grade or less -- 23 (1.1%) 81 (4.4%) 38 (2.2%)
Some high school -- 38 (2.2%) 169 (7.7%) 143 (9.9%)
High School or GED -- 259 (18.7%) 610 (28.6%) 368 (26.4%)
Some college or 2-year degree -- 505 (36.3%) 645 (30.8%) 502 (36.3%)
4-year college graduate -- 253 (17.6%) 279 (13.2%) 142 (9.9%)
More than 4-year college degree -- 280 (19.8%) 278 (13.2%) 148 (11.0%)
Self-reported race/ethnicity
Unknown -- 59 (4.4%) 62 (3.3%) 79 (5.5%) <0.001
Hispanic -- 125 (8.8%) 144 (6.6%) 188 (13.2%)
Native American -- 9 (1.1%) 18 (1.1%) 15 (1.1%)
Black -- 104 (7.7%) 213 (9.9%) 231 (16.5%)
Asian or Pacific Islander -- 32 (2.2%) 62 (3.3%) 25 (2.2%)
White -- 1044 (74.8%) 1572 (74.8%) 726 (52.8%)
Multiracial -- 31 (2.2%) 32 (1.1%) 122 (8.8%)